Frequently Asked Questions

What is Zopiclone Used for?

This medication falls inside the category of medicines known as Sedative Hypnotics, otherwise known as Non-Benzodiazepines or Z-Drugs. These medications are approved and licensed in treatments for insomnia. There are 3 different types of insomnia, which include; Transient (less than 1 month) Acute or short-term (Between 1-6 months) Chronic (Longer than 6 months)

How Do I know if I have Insomnia?

Insomnia, by definition, is considered 3 or more days a week of problems either related to falling or staying asleep. As it can be hard to find the causes of why we lose sleep, speaking with a doctor and answering their questions honestly would be the best way to be diagnosed.

How Does Zopiclone Work?

Like other sedative hypnotics, zopiclone tablets work by binding to the GABA receptors in the central nervous system. GABA is a natural neurotransmitter in the body which helps people feel calm. This medication enhances the effects of this natural chemical.

How Long Does Zopiclone Take to Work?

This medication takes around 60 minutes to reach full effect. As this can differ between people, it is recommended that patients take this medication only when they are ready to go to sleep, not sooner.

How Long Does Zopiclone Last?

The effects of zopiclone sleeping pills last around 8-9 hours. Again, this can differ in odd cases, especially in elderly patients. Patients should avoid driving or operating heavy machinery if effects are felt the morning after taking this medication.

What are the Zopiclone Side Effects?

The most common side effects of this medication are a metallic or bitter taste in the mouth, a dry mouth or feeling drowsy. These are usually felt the morning after and should go away on their own within a few hours. A full list of side effects can be found in the patient information leaflet.

Can You Take Zopiclone and Diazepam together?

Those who buy sleeping tablets in any form should avoid mixing them with similar medications, including this one. Mixing two medications that have sedative effects can cause adverse reactions and should never be done.

Can you Take Zopiclone for Anxiety?

Many people are buying sleeping tablets to use for their anxiolytic effects. Zopiclone is prescribed for anxiety treatments and is well known for its off-label use. As always, speak with a doctor if current medications are not working as well as they were.

Where is the Best Place to Buy Zopiclone?

Due to the convenience and discretion, many people are choosing to buy zopiclone online through pharmacies like ours. As our online pharmacy can send directly to our customers, they do not even need to leave the house.

Can you Buy Zopiclone Online Without a Prescription?

Online pharmacies like ours make buying zopiclone online a hassle-free experience. We do not require to see a prescription to send you your medication. All we need is payment and an address and we will send it directly to your door.